$MPI Vault Dividend Reward
By staking $MPI, you'll have the opportunity to earn great dividends via our innovative DApp. Don't miss out on this opportunity to maximize your earnings!
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By staking $MPI, you'll have the opportunity to earn great dividends via our innovative DApp. Don't miss out on this opportunity to maximize your earnings!
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$MPI holders can stake their $MPI tokens to Metapioneers DApp to receive veMPI. The longer you stake, the more veMPI you get. The vault will take out a part of the fixed cycle income as a dividend reward, and the system will check it every week to calculate the reward share according to the real-time proportion of the user’s veMPI.
veMPI is a special rebase token, it is not transferable or tradable, holding it you will receive vault dividend rewards.
You must have a Master Level of Prospector NFT and it’s on staking-activated status
Users can stake their MPI tokens into the smart contract for a period of up to 2 years, and based on the length of their stake period, they can receive a different proportion of veMPI tokens.
The initial amount of $MPI tokens staked is N and the staking period is t1 (which must be less than the maximum staking period of 2 years).
The amount of veMPI tokens that the user can initially receive is calculated as veMPI=N*t1/tmax
You stake100 $MPI for 2 weeks and get approximately 1.9 veMPI
You stake 100 $MPI for 6 months, you get approximately 25 veMPI
You stake 100 $MPI for 1 year and get approximately 50 veMPI
You stake 100 $MPI for 2 years and get approximately 100 veMPI
There are 4 staking period options ⬆️ : 2 weeks / 6 months / 1 year / 2 years.
Because the expiration time of the system staking needs to be consistent with the checkpoint time, users may stake for a period shorter than their selected cycle. In this case, the system will convert their staked MPI to veMPI according to the proportion of their actual staking time.
For example, if User A stakes 100 MPI on April 23rd at 0:00 UTC and selects a two-week staking period, the actual expiration time of the system staking would be May 4th at 0:00 UTC, and the user’s actual staking time would be 11 days.
The initial veMPI obtained would be veMPI = MPI staked amount * actual staking time / tmax = 100 * 11 / 730 = 1.506.
💡Please note: Each Master level prospector NFT will have a maximum staking amount (3,000,000 MPI) and when you hold multiple Master NFTs you will receive the total of all Master NFT staking amounts.
Your veMPI decreases over time until it reaches 0, which may mean that your reward share decreases as well.
For example: Your initial gain of veMPI= N; stake time = t1 , current time = t;
Then you can calculate your current veMPI = N * (t1-t)/t1
When the staking period of a user’s veMPI expires, it will decay to zero and they will no longer be able to participate in new checkpoint calculations.
Once veMPI has decayed to zero, the user can unlock their MPI.
💡 Please note:
Before unlocking MPI, you must claim all rewards, otherwise, the rewards will not be claimed.
After veMPI has decayed to zero, you will not be able to adjust/ manage your veMPI (extend time or increase quantity). You can stake your MPI to obtain veMPI again after unlocking.
The dividend share and period are related to the actual income of the MPI Vault, which will be adjusted by governance.
⏰Each campaign period is 28 days ✅The dividend reward for each campaign will be distributed in four times within 28 days, 💰currently, the first campaign will be running from April 20th to May 18th, 2023. The initial reward pool for this first campaign is 32,997 CAKE tokens.
The development team will receive a certain percentage of the dividend as treasury income, initially at 40%; the remaining 60% is shared with users, and this value will be adjusted in the future through governance.
Based on the checkpoint (every Thursday at 12 AM, UTC; Starting from April 27, 2023), check once a week to calculate the user’s veMPI share and reward amount. No share is calculated when veMPI=0
The vault dividend rewards will be calculated weekly after each checkpoint. After you have staked $MPI to earn veMPI, you can claim the rewards as soon as 7 days after the next checkpoint.⬇️
After staking, your reward share will be calculated starting from the first checkpoint. You will be able to claim your rewards after the second checkpoint, on a weekly basis.
If you do not claim it in time, the system will continue accumulating your rewards.
You can learn the following information through the relevant activity page.
The total rewards amount of the current campaign, the end time of the current campaign, the amount of rewards accumulated; and the “Claim” button for receiving rewards (the following is a prototype, the specific function is subject to the online version)
You can boost your reward share by increasing veMPI, currently, there are 2 options.
You can choose to extend your staking period to increase your veMPI amount by extending it beyond the original expiration date, up to a maximum of two years.
For example: $MPI staking amount= 526.3 MPI , your initial number of veMPI = 10; staking time = 2 weeks, on the 7th day you extended the staking time by 2 more weeks; your veMPI amount changes as follows
Note: Once the staking period is extended, it cannot be reduced.
When your current staked $MPI amount does not reach the upper limit, you can choose to increase the amount of staked $MPI to get more veMPI.
Increasing the MPI staking amount will not change the staking period, and the newly acquired veMPI will be calculated based on the proportion of the remaining actual staking period.
Example: Your initial number of veMPI = 10; staking time = 2 weeks, after the 7th day you increased the amount of staked $MPI by 526.3; your veMPI amount changes as follows
For more information, free contact our admins from Telegram community.
Website: https://metapi.xyz
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MetaPioneersMPI
Medium: https://medium.com/@MetaPioneersMPI
Telegram: https://t.me/metapioneers