🏀Fleet Team Identities

Captain, First Officer, Crew Members

In the infinity universe, the brave captain, first officer, and crew member in the MetaPioneers base lead professional prospectors to find and excavate rich mine resources. These mine resources will eventually be melted into $MPI, the currency of the galaxy. At the same time, there are extremely rare resources that get richer rewards.

Crews are the interstellar identity for users to enter the web3.0 world of Meta Pioneers. They are responsible for recruiting prospectors for mining and increasing income through upgrades, maintenance, blind boxes, etc.

I.The Captain

  • As the leader & guide for prospectors of the universe to travel through galaxies, the captain is unquestionably the most attractive position of the ship. His consistently leading prospectors of different regions in their search for treasure earns respect from various sides. The rewards are precious for the captain position.

    Moreover, as an expansion person of the spaceship's route, if the captain discovers potential crew members, they will be assigned the first officer's Promotion Certificate to prove their ability. Getting this Promotion Certificate, to be sure, takes good effort.

Additional benefits as captains:

  • Captain NFT

  • Issuance of First Officer Promotion Certificate

  • Fleet Dividend

  • Star Dividend

  • Captain Race

  • Contribution Value Points Weighting

II.First Officers

  • As the successor favoured by the captain, the First Officers must try their best to prove their ability as captains. Only by completing certain contribution requirements then can a First Officer be promoted to captain. First officers are also entitled to a share of fleet earnings.

Additional benefits as First Officers:

  • First Officer NFT

  • Fleet Dividend

  • First Officer Race

  • Contribution Value Weighting

III.The Crew Member

  • Each user comes to MetaPioneers with an initial crew role; when a user purchases a Prospector NFT, he or she is given an exclusive crew ID and can start NFT staking and to recruit new Prospectors at the same time.

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