
1️⃣ Introducing the Visual Data Dashboard:

Clear goals require data analysis. We're thrilled to announce the launch of the Visual Data Dashboard on our community DApp homepage. It provides a comprehensive view of various earnings and contribution metrics, along with a social network radar chart. Stay informed and make data-driven decisions!

2️⃣ Explorer Mining Depletion:

Our Prospector NFTs are not static entities. After 360 mining cycles (12 mining permit rotations, approximately once a year), each NFT will require reactivation. Reactivation costs more MPI compared to the initial activation. Keep an eye on your NFTs' mining status and plan ahead!

3️⃣ Task System is Live:

We've rolled out a series of fixed and time-limited tasks to help new users integrate faster and provide additional incentives for loyal users. Upgrading your Prospector NFTs. You'll be rewarded for completing tasks related to NFT upgrades, receiving MPI refunds for activation costs. We also have advanced reward programs for long-term thinkers, core user incentives based on community scale, bridging subsidies to guide contribution breakpoints, and community governance rewards for active participation in online voting and offline community building.

4️⃣ Treasury Adds BAYC NFTs and APE Investments:

We've acquired three NFTs with the numbers #2635, #4794, and #9537 from the Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) series, along with some liquidity in APE tokens. The entire process has undergone one month of backtesting verification, ensuring the protection of funds and returns.

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